We all have our special skills and interests which we love using our sparetime cultivating. Sadly, most people spend most of their time on a job they dont even like. Many of us are also afraid to speak out about their real passion because it might too strange to other people. Although you might shock somebody or even put a smile on their face when revealing the "real" you, the truth is this; not only would most people actually love you for being so open, but they would most likely get passionate about your passion. Why? Simply because passion is contagious. When this energy is shared with other people, they simply become passionate about YOU. Believe it or not!
At the Askaloo team, we believe that we all are creators. We also believe that it is absolutely doable spending all your time at what you really do care about, while making a living out of it. This is also the reason why we divided the Askaloo into two different modules - enabling people with similar interest to find each other through the "Hangouts", and on the other side; make it easy for people to start making a living out of their passions through "Activities".
In the Activity-module, we have therefore created a very convenient way (we think) , for people with an idea - or for those who already have a smaller business today; where they easily can schedule their events/activities, manage their customers and at the same time; be able to capture payments in advance directly through the application.
Lets take a case study:
This is Rachel.

She is a Yoga Teacher and have her own Yoga class. Not only one class though... She has 4 different classes: Morning Yoga/Sunset Stretch, Meditation Class, Flow Yoga and Pilates - which are happening 4 different times pr/week.
Rachel is very good at what she does and her clients are also very happy with the quality of her classes. The only problem for Rachel, and which created a lot of headache for her, is how much time and effort she use to manage her classes.
First of all; she has one whatsapp chatt group for each class where a lot of her members are in. Every time there is a new class, people would have to tell her in advance if they are coming or not, so she can keep track on how many spaces she has left to offer. She sometimes also has Facebook events where people also can tell if they are coming or not - which leads us to the first big problem she has: 1) How can Rachel easily keep track on how many people who will attend her classes ?
You see; in many cases - people will say that they are coming in the chat group, but the next day they might say - "no, I cannot come". Yesterday she had 5 attending from her chatgroup on the upcoming Flow Yoga and 2 from the event on facebook. For this particular class, she can only have 10 people. 2 days before 3 people in the chat group say they can come. No she has to keep track that they will be 10. She therefor sends out a message telling that everybody that the upcoming class is now full. The day before the class, a girls ask if she can come, but unfortunately Rachel has to tell her that the class are full. Friday has finally come, and the Flow Yoga class is starting. In total 8 people are showing up - which kind of sucks as she would have had 2 spaces left - meaning 2 more paying customers for this class. Its also too late to send out a message in the group that she now has space for another 2 again, meaning she now lost 20% of her income for this day.

The classes should have been as full as the right picture.....
Besides this problem, Rachel also have a big challenges regarding collecting payments from her customers. Some customers are paying her via Paypal, some are paying her via Revolut and some pay her by cash. Now Rachel also have to keep track who has actually paid for the class using 3 different payment solutions ! 😅
This leads us to the second painpoint; 2) How can Rachel easily keep ensure everybody is paying?
The girl on the picture below was supposed to pay cash on the Flow Yoga. She knows that Rachel is always too busy checking everybody, and takes good advantage of this..

For this class, Rachel has now lost a total of 30% potential income. 👿
Rachel also thinks that the current solutions she is using is quite confusing and there is also no easy way for her too keep track on all her customers as well as setting up a fully automated way to make her classes go on repeat...
Luckily for Rachel, Askaloo offers a solution which will solve ALL of her problems🙌🎉

In the next blogpost you can read more about how small businesses easily can handle their events and activities in a fully automated way using Askaloo app.